How to Be Vulnerable in a Relationship: What Men Should Know

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
3 min readJun 9, 2024
A man learning how to be vulnerable in a relationship and opening his heart

What do women want — a strong and fearless man or an emotionally vulnerable and sensitive man?


Strength and vulnerability aren’t contradictory characteristics. Surprisingly, they complement each other.

Strength makes a woman feel safe, whereas vulnerability allows her to connect deeply with him. Both are important in nurturing a secure and intimate relationship.

While most men are sure of their strength, they’re often clueless about how to be vulnerable in a relationship.

Does that mean you should throw your strength out the door, transforming yourself into a mushy puppy? Men, this isn’t what vulnerability is; it’s courageously exposing your deepest emotional parts and allowing people to love you for all you are.

So, how exactly can you do that? Hint: You don’t have to watch rom-coms.

1. Accept yourself.

Vulnerability is only possible with authenticity. Practice being self-aware and accepting of who you are, inside and out.

Realize you’re imperfect, and that’s okay. You have plenty of things to improve, but you have the time and opportunities to do so.

Appreciate your past, present, and hopes for the future to become comfortable in your skin. You gradually become vulnerable once you’ve got nothing to hide.

2. Try something new.

Learn how to be vulnerable in a relationship by doing something you’ve never done before. Better yet, do it with your partner — whether it’s painting, wall climbing, or a game of chess.

Practice taking risks by experiencing new things. The more you see that mistakes are okay and can even be fun, the less scared you’ll be of taking that step to open up.

3. Ask for forgiveness.

Conflicts in a relationship are challenging to go through. So, many people prefer to brush them aside and play it cool because they like things easy or are too proud or ashamed to admit their faults.

Instead of putting up a tough facade, own up to your part in the problem. Humbly admit what you did wrong and ask for forgiveness. Tell your partner that you feel bad about what happened and regret it.

Such vulnerability will work wonders for your relationship. Instead of breaking you apart, difficulties will bring you closer and make you stronger.

4. Stop proving your worth.

Men who lack vulnerability also often struggle with insecurity. They unconsciously strive to earn their worth through efforts in or outside the relationship.

Rather than seeking to prove yourself, discover your inherent value by freely accepting love from your partner. Don’t try to please them just to make yourself feel secure. Realize they love you, not for what you do for them, but for who you are.

Experience Deeper Intimacy

Society expects men to keep their emotions in their back pockets. As a result, vulnerability is an alien concept to most, making their relationships superficial and unsatisfying.

But to the men out there, know you’re allowed to feel. You can put down your fearless front; it won’t make you lesser. It even makes you stronger.

With that, learn how to be vulnerable in a relationship. Lift a weight off your shoulders and experience deeper emotional intimacy with your partner.



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