Entering a Committed Relationship? Ask These 5 Questions First
You’ve been dating for a couple of months. You got to know each other better, overcome a few misunderstandings, and wish to deepen your connection.
Things are falling into place. Is it time to take your relationship to the next level? Should you enter into a committed relationship?
Even if everything feels right, you can’t help but wonder if you’re making the right decision. Ultimately, doubts and hesitations may hinder you from having an exclusive relationship.
Make the right decision. Ask yourself these five questions to reflect on your relationship thus far.
Your answers will reveal whether you’re ready to commit to a relationship with the right person at the right time.
1. Why do you want to commit to a relationship?
What’s motivating you? Is it a sheer desire to do so or because of others’ influence?
If it’s because of pressure from your family, friends, or date, you only want to meet expectations. Similarly, if fear or guilt pushes you, you’ll enter a relationship for the wrong reasons.
Love and genuine interest should be your motivations to take your relationship to the next level. Anything else will be a false foundation that won’t stand the test of time.
2. Does your date help you become a better person?
Is your date a good fit for you? Are you happy and comfortable with them? Do they help you overcome your weaknesses and encourage you to become a better version of yourself?
See if they have the qualities you’re looking for in a partner. They don’t have to check all the boxes, but they should at least meet your non-negotiables.
Life should be better with them around, not more complicated and stressful. Otherwise, you’ll sign yourself up for a life of misery instead of happiness.
3. Do you have similar plans for the future?
Being in a committed relationship means moving forward together. This implies that you should have similar goals and values to plan a future together and support each other in achieving your individual goals.
You should be able to walk hand-in-hand in the same direction. Otherwise, your relationship will disintegrate because of a lack of unity.
4. Are you willing to work as a team?
Committing to a relationship means no longer living by yourself. You make decisions with your partner, adjust to each other’s schedules, and make compromises.
You should be a team player if you want to have a loving and healthy relationship. It isn’t a place for selfishness and control but for trust, cooperation, and dialogue.
5. Are you ready to face challenges?
While you’ll have many romantic and fun moments together, you’ll inevitably have stormy days. If you say yes to bliss, remember that you’re also accepting the challenges that come with it.
Arguments, miscommunications, and trials will test your faithfulness and sincerity to each other. If these make you doubt if a relationship is worth it, perhaps you need more training before entering the field.
Ready or Not?
Deciding whether to enter a committed relationship is an exciting yet nerve-wracking stage in dating. Your desire might give you the courage to go further, but your fears might hold you back.
Answering these questions will help you determine if it’s time to make things exclusive.
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