Women Are Always Right: Why This Lie Is Bad for Relationships
With the rise of feminism and the campaign for gender equality, women have found a stronger voice in many global debates about issues in society.
We feel the effects of this continuing shift not just here in Southeast Asia but all over the world. People now ask women about their opinion on things that seemed to be exclusively for men in the past.
Can girls have the same education that boys get? Are men and women equally qualified for all kinds of jobs? Are women more emotional, and therefore better lovers than men?
Do women have better opinions on all matters because they have superior outlooks on life?
Obviously, the answer is no. However, many people seem to be under the impression that this is the case. This misconception is damaging to all genders, specifically on the way it’s applied to relationships between men and women.
It’s hypocritical.
A key tenet of feminism is the fight against gender equality. If people who think women are always right keep encouraging that belief, aren’t they just going against gender equality? They’ll only be promoting the same imbalance they accuse men of maintaining.
Insisting that men are always wrong in an attempt to “strip” them of power invalidates the years of fighting to advocate for fairness. Also, it makes men unable to take women seriously because of this obvious hypocrisy. And honestly? We can’t really blame them.
It’s not helpful.
If the goal of saying right out the gate that women will forever be correct is to win the argument, then I’ve got bad news for you: it’s not gonna work. Best-case scenario is that men will find you funny, maybe even childish. Worst-case scenario? It’ll make them angry, and justifiably so.
Saying the woman is right without any supporting details to defend her point will not make it true. It won’t make the man more receptive or more likely to agree with her.
The only thing it will do is prolong the argument, which doesn’t really help anybody.
It’s a dangerous mentality for men and women.
Conditioning everyone to think that a certain group of people is smarter or more morally upright because of their gender is counterproductive to what modern society is trying to achieve.
If the goal is to create equality between men and women, tipping the scales so that women will always have the upper hand is not the way to go. In fact, it’s only setting up relationships between men and women to fail.
Discouraged by a mindset that leaves them with no room to defend themselves, men might stop trying altogether. For women, having an unfair advantage in every dispute or argument can lull them into a false sense of security and leave them unprepared to handle situations where they are proven wrong.
It’s just not true.
The bottom line is this: women are not always right. No one is.
Arguments between any two people, including couples, are different every single time, so there is simply no way to determine someone who has the default high ground just because of their gender.
Being a woman doesn’t automatically give someone the right opinions, and it doesn’t change the circumstances to be more favorable towards you.
The sooner everybody understands this, the better their relationships can be.