“Why do men cheat and then they blame their partners?”

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
1 min readJan 5, 2024
a couple in the middle of an argument
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Men who cheat and then try to blame their partners are just looking for a convenient excuse to justify their bad behavior.

It’s like stealing a candy bar and then blaming the store for having it on the shelf.

The truth is, cheating is a choice that someone makes, and it’s never okay to shift the blame onto someone else.

If a person is unhappy in their relationship, they should have the decency to communicate their feelings and work things out, rather than betraying their partner’s trust.

So to all the people out there: if you cheat, own up to your actions and take responsibility for them.

Blaming your partner only makes you look like a coward who can’t own up to mistakes.



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