Men, Take Note. This Is What Attracts Women Online
What attracts women? Perfection? Grand gestures?
Many men think these are the answers.
Unfortunately, the former is unattainable. Meanwhile, women often think of the latter as superficial.
To attract women, strive for authenticity, even in your online interactions. As they say, just be yourself.
But the question is, how can you effectively show this?
1. Showcase your unique personality on your online dating profile.
According to a study by AnswerLab, women spend 50% more time than men reading profiles, while the latter spends 65% more time looking at photos.
Their findings suggest that women are highly interested in what you say about yourself. So, write your bio well.
Speak about significant aspects of yourself, such as characteristics, passions, and values. Also, be specific.
For example, don’t just write, “I love music.” Instead, say something like, “Been a guitarist since 10. Saturdays are for jam sessions with friends.
Also, don’t forget to post recent and quality photos of yourself. Don’t upload group photos or landscapes. Women are interested in you, so let them see who you are.
2. Take action.
If authenticity is what attracts women, you should show it through your actions. In other words, know what you want and strive to get it.
With that, express your purpose for interacting with her — whether for a casual date or a long-term commitment. Also, show that by taking steps to further your connection. Be consistent with your messages, and don’t take too long to invite her on a date.
But match her pace. You might be pushing ahead when she prefers to take things slow.
3. Ask questions.
Unlike meeting in person, wherein you get to do activities together or see each other’s facial expressions, online interactions hinge on conversations.
The more actively you converse, the more they see that you’re genuinely interested, and the more they’ll feel your connection.
One of the ways to do that is to ask questions. Be genuinely curious about who they are. Ask about the information on their profile, make follow-up questions, and if you’re sharing about something, ask them in turn, “What about you?”
However, don’t make it sound like you’re interviewing them. Offer comments and anecdotes in between. And, when you sincerely want to get to know them, they’ll also be drawn to ask you questions, which you should answer openly and honestly.
4. Respond with sincerity.
Think about your replies. Be substantial, and avoid generic remarks like “I’m fine” or “nothing much.”
She wants to get to know you as much as you want to know her, so put more effort into describing your experiences and sharing your perspective.
However, don’t say things you don’t mean. For example, don’t shower a woman with compliments only to please her, especially when you’re just beginning to exchange messages.
Be Real in a Virtual World
What attracts women? The answer: it’s not your flashy outfits, car, presents, or grand dates, but your genuine self.
Just because you’re online doesn’t mean you should hide behind a persona like many others. Otherwise, you’ll only fail to meet expectations or make them fall for a non-existent version of you.
Gonzalez, Robbie. 2012. “How much of your online dating profile do people actually read?” Gizmodo.