Create the Ultimate Online Dating Profile
Have you been on a dating website and messaged interesting women only to go unanswered or rejected? If you are having a hard time getting women to even notice you on online dating platforms, then your online dating profile might need an overhaul.
Whether you’re a veteran online dater or a newbie to the online dating scene, you should know that creating a great online dating profile determines your chances of matching with the women you like.
Not just any great profile — we mean the ultimate online dating profile.
You need to stand out to get a woman to notice you on platforms where you compete with thousands of other men. So how do you do that? Well, that’s what this guide is for.
Don’t settle for an ordinary profile setup that doesn’t even deserve a second glance, when you can create one that turns heads and blisters thumbs from swiping on your profile. What we’ll provide you are tips to get women to notice you and get them to initiate a conversation.
The Ultimate Online Dating Profile Photo
There’s nothing more important on a dating profile than your photo. Ladies don’t just need to know what you look like, they want to be able to imagine themselves with you. And that’s not going to happen with a vague, grainy, and downright unflattering photo.
You don’t just want a photo that accurately represents who you are, you want a photo that shows the best version of yourself.
The first step in knowing how to make the ultimate online dating profile is to always start with getting the right picture. Here are some tips:
Use a positive profile picture.
By positive, we mean happy, lighthearted, and gleeful. Something that gives off a positive vibe at first glance. Remember that your photo is the first thing women on the platform will notice when your profile appears on their screen. Make a great first impression by using a photo of you with a beautiful smile.
Upload 5–7 other photos.
Aside from your primary or profile photo, you will need to upload more pictures on your profile. A single picture may be worth a thousand words, but a whole set of varied photos will give your potential match a 3D perspective of your lifestyle. These pictures should be a diverse collection and not just a bunch of selfies with the same angle. The sweet spot is six photos — less than five might feel lacking and more than seven is just clutter.
Avoid using too much filters or editing software.
The purpose of sharing your photos is to give potential matches a preview of what you look like in real life. Too much editing and filters might enhance how you look in your photos, but be careful not to overdo it else your match won’t recognize you when you decide to meet in person. Worse, a woman will match with you only because you look good in your edited picture. Imagine her disappointment if you look different when you finally meet.
Include a full-body photo.
Don’t just upload selfies or half shots. Women will think you are hiding something if you don’t share a full-body picture of yourself. Whether it’s one where you are sitting on a park bench or standing playfully and confidently, you can be sure many will view your profile.
How to Write the Ultimate Online Dating Profile Bio
Now that you have an excellent profile photo and a diverse photo album, let’s move on to the second-most important part of your dating profile — the profile itself. How you word your dating profile, specifically your bio, determines the type of women you attract.
Your bio should be brief yet comprehensive, easy to read yet engaging, and simple yet intriguing. Here’s where you can be creative. But always remember, you need to be truthful if you want to attract the type of woman you like.
Be descriptive.
One-liners might be catchy, but always remember that women visit your profile to see if you are the type of person they’d consider going out for a date. One-liners won’t tell them much about you. The trick to writing the ultimate online dating profile is to be descriptive while remaining “mysterious” at the same time. Tell your profile visitors about yourself, but just enough to get them interested, and if they are, then they’d have to message you to find out more about you.
Be truthful.
Honesty is still the best policy, even in online dating. You don’t need to brag about things you don’t have or do just to get someone’s attention. If women find out your ruse, how would they know if what you’re saying about yourself is true or not once they decide to date you? Keep in mind that there are still women who find honesty attractive. So be truthful from the get-go.
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Highlight your unique qualities.
You want to stand out, right? Creating the ultimate online dating profile requires that little bit of extra effort to make it stand out from the rest.
So highlight whatever special skills, hobbies, or traits you have. Do you have top-tier guitar skills? Are you good at certain video games? Don’t be ashamed of your talents, whatever they are because they are achievements nonetheless.
Be specific about what you want.
Your bio is your opportunity to tell everyone what you want. Do you prefer casual experiences with women or would you rather date for long-term? Being specific about what you want filters out the type of women you want to attract.
Use humor.
Showing you’re a guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously can be a great selling point. Women love it when you make them laugh. Showing your humorous side will tell them you’re a fun guy to be with. Don’t overdo humor though, because you never know the limits of the women you’re interacting with. Stick with lighthearted humor to keep her entertained. Before you know it, she’s head over heels for your humor and wit.
It Doesn’t End with Creating Your Profile
Getting women to notice you on an online dating platform can be brutal. Expect disappointments every now and then, and don’t get your hopes up. Keep your expectations at a manageable level to avoid feeling hurt when they’re not met because while online dating can be fulfilling, it can also be a source of painful experiences.
With an amazing online dating profile on hand, you should be able to navigate the world of online dating with confidence. However, your journey shouldn’t end just because your profile isn’t top-notch. Your future in the ever-evolving world of dating depends on how you act and follow up on these tips. Creating the best profile you can is just the first step.