Things You Should Know about Thai Culture
Thai culture is an ancient one, and it is one of the most unique cultures in the world.
While some aspects of Thai culture may even seem curious to you, this does not mean that they are wrong or bad.
Thais simply believe in different things than other people do, and what may seem strange to you may be perfectly normal for them.
Here are some common things that you should know:
Respect is important.
Greetings that are accompanied by the gesture known as “wai” (the placing of two palms together with fingertips touching the nose) are what Thai people do to show respect to someone.
Respect and saving face are important in Thailand. This culture is modest and conservative. It means that they don’t want to embarrass themselves or other people. They are extra careful about bringing up sensitive topics into the conversation.
For them, disrespect comes in many forms. For example, it is disrespectful when you visit someone without giving them at least a small gift, when you don’t take off your shoes before entering a home, and when you act agitated in front of other people.
Patriotism is always observed.
Thailand holds onto its pride in being the only nation in Southeast Asia that was never colonized by European countries. Their national flag is displayed in different places in the country, and people stop and stand still when the national anthem is played.
Their national anthem is played twice a day. Many Thais profess their love for the country, extending to its religion and monarchy.
Superstitions are prevalent.
Thailand is known as the “land of superstitions.” It’s normal for Thai people to consult a fortune teller or monk before buying a home, arranging a wedding, and other situations. They do this to ask for auspicious dates for the events.
Here are some other common superstitions in Thailand:
- Not having your headboard facing the west when sleeping
- Not clipping your nails at night
- Not leaving your clothes to dry overnight
- Not knocking your plate while eating
- Not singing in the kitchen or your hair will slowly turn white
- Placing amulets and charms in taxis to avoid accidents
The head is the spiritual part of the body.
Touching the head in Thailand is prohibited. According to them, it is the most sacred area of the body, and it’s where the spirit resides.
If the head is the most sacred part of the body, then the feet are seen as dirty and of the least importance.
Here are three things to keep in mind:
- Never point your feet towards anything or anyone
- Never step over any object
- Never put your feet up, even when relaxing
Revealing clothing is a big no.
In temples, long pants and skirts must be worn. Thai culture places a strong emphasis on modesty, which is reflected in their temple customs.
Women should have their shoulders and knees covered before they can enter the temple. Wearing sleeveless shirts or anything that shows skin is seen as deeply insulting.
Thailand’s culture is still alive today and is still being practiced. They are very much influenced by their culture, which plays a major role in their day-to-day lives.
Thailand’s culture may be strange and challenging to adapt to. However, due to its diverse geography and friendly populace, the “Land of Smiles” is unquestionably a must-visit location in Southeast Asia!