Stop Showing Signs of Insecurity on Your First Date
A lot of women don’t go on second dates with insecure men.
Before you get angry, here’s the deal — insecurity drives women away because dating a man with this character trait takes a lot of work.
Insecure men tend to worsen small relationship problems. Because they still need to work on themselves, they are not emotionally capable enough to handle a healthy and lasting romantic connection.
This is why women prefer confident men. These men are the kind who believe in themselves, their partner, and their overall relationship, and they are not emotionally draining.
This is what you want to look like on your first date.
Show that you are a confident man instead of displaying insecurity. You can do so by keeping the following factors in mind:
#1. Lack of Confidence
A key sign of insecurity is having no confidence in yourself. You have a sense of self and understand your wants and needs. However, you don’t know how to show them with conviction.
During your date, for instance, you are showing your insecurity when you lower your voice, stutter a lot, and shift in your seat awkwardly.
You can’t hide this lack of confidence with your physical features or fancy suit. No matter how well you present yourself, your date will still be turned off by how you communicate with her throughout the date.
#2. Constant Validation
When you have no confidence, you are always in need of constant validation. In most cases, you find yourself asking questions about how you look and behave.
This may not be that apparent during your date if you know how to hide the tell-tale signs that you rely on external validation. However, there are small indications that show your insecurity without you noticing it.
A good example is asking a lot of questions about your date’s opinion on certain things and agreeing even if you disagree with what they’re saying.
#3. Possessiveness
Women hate possessive men. They want someone who understands and respects their boundaries, not someone who is obsessed with making them stay.
This quality may not be obvious on your first date, but this is very evident in how you answer their questions and how you act in front of them.
Telling them what food to order, for instance. If you are already forcing them to do something on your first date, what more will you do if you get into a relationship?
#4. Oversensitive
Oversensitive men are a big no-no for women.
They don’t want to date a man who shies away from confrontations and is not good at dealing with criticism. They want someone who knows how to handle conflict confidently.
Unlike the other signs, this quality is very obvious on your first date.
Since this is the perfect time to get to know someone, women assess your personality based on your answers and how you deal with every question.
If you calmly answer everything, for instance, this leaves a positive impression. However, don’t expect to have a second date if you get angry easily or try to avoid every question.
Avoid Showing Insecurity on Your Dates
I understand if you are insecure about certain things. We are all insecure about something in our life. However, you should leave your insecurities behind during your dates with a potential partner.
You don’t want to scare them away. You want to enjoy your time together and go home thinking about your next date.
To achieve this, show that you are a confident man who doesn’t need constant external validation.