Dating Tips For a Shy Guy: Turn Shyness Into Confidence
Is there someone you’ve been eyeing to date but are afraid to ask out? Perhaps you dread speaking with them despite wanting to get to know them.
It’s normal to be nervous around someone you like. And that anxiety can go up a notch or two when you’re a shy guy, so much so that you might think it’s impossible for you to date.
However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Shyness isn’t a disadvantage or a limit when it comes to dating.
Often, it’s just a threshold that you should overcome by discovering and accepting who you are. Eventually, when you grow and step out of your comfort zone, your shyness transforms into confidence.
That being said, here are some steps you can take to conquer your shyness and let your true self shine.
1. Know Why You’re Shy
Ask yourself what makes you a shy guy. Is it because of insecurities, poor management of emotions, being an introvert, or just a plain lack of exposure to women?
Knowing the root cause of your shyness will help you understand what you’re up against and better equip yourself to overcome your weakness.
If it’s about insecurities, you might need psychological help. However, if you’re just not used to being around women, you can start by making friends with the females around you.
2. Build Your Confidence
Your shyness may be apparent not just in your dating life. It might also manifest in your work, hobbies, friendships, and other social interactions.
When you develop your confidence in these aspects, it will bring out your confidence in dating as well. Take on new job responsibilities, join an interest-based organization, and share more about yourself with friends you trust.
Developing your personality and relational skills in these ways will help boost your confidence when approaching women.
3. Realize Women Can Be Shy Too
You’re not the only one on the awkward boat.
Both men and women struggle with being shy, albeit at differing levels. That means you don’t have to be overly apologetic if you get tongue-tied or clumsy while talking to her.
If she’s serious about dating you, she won’t be turned off by your shyness. Instead, she’ll understand the struggle and feel touched by your courage to approach her.
4. Stop Putting on a Show
Dating a woman isn’t the same as performing onstage or defending a thesis before a panel of judges. However, some guys imagine it this way, which explains their anxiety.
Dating is about getting to know each other on a more personal level. So, be yourself and be willing to share who you are; you don’t need to put on a show.
Moreover, confidence doesn’t mean you have to be loud or aggressive. Women appreciate guys who are gentle, good listeners, and genuine. You don’t have to be someone else to impress the woman you like.
Embrace Who You Are
Being a shy guy is part of who you are, but it’s not your whole identity. You also have other traits that make you unique and attractive.
Moreover, your shyness doesn’t determine your success or failure in relationships. What matters is that you’re comfortable with your identity and allow others to get to know you.
Embrace yourself and your great personality. The more you do, the more you’ll shine and charm not just women but everyone around you.
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