How to Do Online Dating the S.M.A.R.T. Way

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
3 min readOct 11, 2023
A woman sitting on a couch while using a phone and a laptop
Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels

If you’re someone looking for love through online dating, the fact that almost everybody now has access to the internet is both a blessing and a challenge.

It’s a blessing because that means there’s more people for you to meet and get to know.

But it’s also a challenge because of two major reasons: the competition is tougher, and the risk of falling victim to internet scams is higher.

So in order for you to truly make the most of online dating, you’ll need to strategize. You have to find ways to stand out to those you want to attract and avoid those you don’t want to cross paths with.

You will need to be S.M.A.R.T.

S — Safety First

The internet is a wonderful but dangerous place, moreso if you’re using it to find the love of your life.

When you engage in online dating, never forget to protect your privacy and personal information. Only use legitimate apps and websites that have good reviews from reliable sources.

M — Manage Your Expectations

It’s tempting to think that just because some people are lucky enough to meet someone special after only a short amount of time, the same thing is also going to happen to you.

But not all online dating experiences are created equal, so it’s best if you have realistic expectations about which things are likely to happen and which ones only occur once in a blue moon.

A — Ask Interesting Questions

When you eventually connect with someone you like, make sure to put your best foot forward.

This doesn’t just mean turning on the charm and highlighting what you believe are your most appealing qualities. For online dating in particular, this also includes taking advantage of the Talking Stage.

Use the opportunity of finally getting a match to really figure out if you’re compatible with the other person or not. Initiate engaging conversations where you ask interesting and substantial questions that can help you get a feel of who it is you’re talking to and whether or not you both want the same things.

Online dating can sometimes make you feel like you just have to focus on yourself and how you can come across as attractive, but like any kind of dating, it’s still a two-way street.

R — Remember to Be Sincere

Another thing to keep in mind when you’re trying your luck on the internet is to always be genuine. It’s one of the most important factors that can separate a successful online dating experience from a cautionary tale.

This covers not just the use of your real face in profile photos, or even your answers to questions like where you’re from or what you do for living, but also to conversations that talk about what you want in a partner and what kind of love you’re really looking for.

Even when you’re not meeting people in person yet, it’s only when you’re sincere about everything you do in online dating that you can find someone worth keeping.

T — Take Your Time

No matter what other people will tell you, there’s really no rush.

You may not have all the time in the world, but you’ll have all the time you could ever need. You just have to be both committed and patient.

Sure, online dating can be difficult, sometimes even downright impossible to get the hang of, but that’s true for almost anything that has to do with love.

You have the rest of your life to figure it out, and just like all things related to love, the best ones will always be worth the wait.



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