“Can you love someone and still don’t want to marry them?”
Yes, it’s possible. Loving someone is different from wanting to marry them.
When you love a person, you want to keep them close to you and do what’s good for them. Marriage, on the other hand, is taking that to a more radical level.
This is because, in marriage, you don’t only keep someone close, but you vow to remain faithful to them alone. You don’t only do what’s good for them when you feel like it, but you do so whether in difficult or easy times until death do you part.
You won’t commit yourself this way in every relationship. Sometimes you’ll love someone, but only for a short time. Other times, you might not just be ready to settle down.
It takes a special person for you to finally decide to give yourself for the rest of your days. You might love several people in the course of your life, but there’s only one person you would eventually want to marry.