Looks Give You an Advantage, Personality Determines Your Success

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
3 min readMar 8, 2023


Photo by Myicahel Tamburini on Pexels.com

People say that beauty is only skin deep. When it comes to dating, that is absolutely true. Being good-looking can get you attention. It can get you an easy date or a casual fling. But guess what? Good looks alone aren’t going to get you a real relationship.

Why is that? Because if all you’ve got are good looks, then you’re all sizzle and no steak. It’s not going to matter how pretty your eyes are if there’s nothing going on behind them.

Here’s the thing about people in relationships: they need stimulation. Some people are okay with the person they’re with being a trophy. Most people would prefer it if the person they’re with is a partner.

So, how do you add steak to your sizzle? The answer: develop a personality.

Begin by Getting a Hobby

Being good and passionate about something can boost your attractiveness. Think about it, if you like doing something, you’ll naturally get good at it because, at the very least, you’ll do it a lot.

If you like working out or playing sports, you’ll end up in better shape and look better. But hobbies aren’t just about doing something. They’re about putting a philosophy into practice. Whether that is about never giving up, going beyond your limits, or being strategic about things, hobbies are grounds for these philosophies to take root.

You can even take up something nerdy. Paint minifigs, assemble scale models, play tabletop games, or something similar. It doesn’t matter because when you put your mind into something, there will always be someone who will find that super sexy.

And plus, you’ll have something that you’ll be able to talk about for hours on end without needing a cue card.

Read Women’s Fiction

Here’s another thing you should do to make yourself more interesting: read fiction. If you’re a man, this means reading books written by women and specifically, romance books. Why is this going to work for you? Because romance books hold the keys to what women want in a man.

Also, if you’re already hot, then reading can only make you look hotter. It might even ruin your eyesight enough that you need to start wearing glasses, which means that you can start looking like some kind of sexy professor.

Do Volunteer Community Work

There is so much for you to gain by doing volunteer service in the community. First off, you get to step outside your comfort zone and engage with individuals from varying backgrounds. You’ll be required to be responsible, committed, and accountable, all of which can improve your sense of purpose.

Lastly, you’ll become a more empathetic and understanding person, which will do wonders for any future relationship.

Go to Therapy

While this may sound surprising, therapy isn’t just for unlocking repressed childhood trauma or talking about your feelings. It’s also a place where you can be evaluated and informed of the areas in which you need improvement. Then you can improve in those areas and be the best version of yourself internally in addition to being hot.

Being physically attractive can be beneficial in a lot of ways. It’s an advantage when dating, but it’s not the end-all-be-all. A man can be perfect on the outside but all that perfection can be for naught if he opens his mouth and says the wrong thing.



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