Know the 3 Harsh Facts about Long-Distance Relationships
Love makes all things possible.
However, this does not guarantee you a smooth-sailing relationship.
Long-distance couples know this for a fact. The lack of physical intimacy, hefty travel expenses, and complicated communication are just some of the challenges they regularly face in the name of love.
If you plan to commit to someone miles away, know the 3 harsh facts about long-distance relationships to understand exactly what you’re getting into.
This isn’t to scare you off but to help prepare you in the best way possible. After all, love is a battle. You need to know your adversaries to ensure your victory.
1. Missing each other can be torture
There’s no sugar-coating it. The distance will make you miss each other. During the worst days, it feels like someone took your heart right out of your chest.
While you’re making all the effort you can to feel close to each other, the fact remains that simply hugging them or walking hand-in-hand is a luxury that mostly remains in your dream.
What you can do:
Make time for regular video calls to manage the longing and loneliness. Also, plan in-person dates as often as you can, even if that’s just once or twice a year.
When the ache becomes too much, speak about it with a trusted friend or do something you enjoy. Turn your focus away from the sadness and give yourself the strength to fight it.
2. Maintaining communication isn’t as easy as you think
Your initial spark for each other fuels your constant communication at the outset. You engage in long calls well into the night and random messages during the day.
However, life changes can make maintaining communication more challenging. Some days, you have so many things to do before you can pick up a call.
Other priorities seem more urgent because of their proximity, pushing your communication to the back seat.
What you can do:
Inform your partner when things come up in your schedule to set expectations regarding your calls. If you miss an agreed call, apologize and make up for it.
Also, be sensitive to your partner’s feelings and needs. If they’re too tired to chat, let them rest. If they have an urgent concern, give them time to process their emotions and the situation, even if only for a few minutes.
When you can reassure each other that you care despite your busy schedule, you effectively overcome one of the 3 harsh truths about long-distance relationships.
3. Uncertainties can hide in every corner
A long-distance set-up should only be temporary; hence, why it often feels unstable.
You’re always looking forward to being physically close together, but you don’t know when. You might see each other in person now and then, but when that time ends, you’re not sure when the next time will be.
What you can do:
Talk about your expectations in the relationship. Are you both looking for something serious and long-term? When is it possible to transition out of the long-distance phase?
If your current situation doesn’t allow you to stay in one place together, always plan your next in-person meet-up to take away the anxiety of the uncertainty and give you something concrete to look forward to.
Overcome the 3 Harsh Facts about Long-Distance Relationships
Love has no boundaries, yet distance never fails to make life hard for lovers living miles apart. Only when you understand what you’re up against will you win half of the battle.
So don’t be afraid to face the challenges of long-distance dating. With commitment and effort, it’s always possible to overcome them.