Intimate Relationships Cannot Exist Without These 4 Factors
Intimacy in a relationship is about getting physical — this is what most people believe.
However, intimacy isn’t exclusive to affectionate touch and gestures. It’s the overall feeling of closeness that encompasses our emotional, psychological, and physical aspects.
Because of how broad and deep it is, intimate relationships cannot exist without couples getting to know each other profoundly, going through the ups and downs of life, and building their relationship through daily effort and commitment.
To deepen your intimacy with your partner, think beyond mere physicality. Here are some unexpected factors that can help nurture your bond.
1. Conflict
Let’s start with the most unlikely ingredient — conflict.
It’s one of the most common reasons couples break up. However, it’s also one of the essential elements of an intimate relationship. The outcome depends on how you approach it.
Conflict, when unresolved, can be a death sentence for your relationship. However, if you and your partner choose to rise above it together, it becomes an opportunity to become more intimate.
Facing your differences prompts you to dig deeper into your backgrounds and personalities. It helps you understand each other more profoundly.
If you work things out in your relationship instead of giving up, you’ll come out of your challenges closer than before.
2. Periods Apart
You might think this is another counterintuitive tip. But think again! In the long term, intimate relationships cannot exist without both partners allowing each other to spend time apart.
We can only be intimate with someone when we can share with them who we truly are, which implies a need for constant self-discovery.
This requires you to spend time alone, reflect on life, develop your skills and gifts, and socialize with friends and family. This way, you’ll have more things to share with your partner and be more eager to reconnect.
3. Vulnerability
Unlike the first two, this one is not much of a shocker. We all know vulnerability is a need in relationships, but many couples still don’t realize why.
While we find no problem sharing our impressive sides, we’re often the opposite when disclosing our weaknesses and flaws.
However, trusting and exposing your vulnerable parts to your partner is key to genuine and deep intimacy in a relationship.
4. Time
Couples often overlook that intimacy takes time to develop.
It doesn’t instantly happen when you first kiss or express your commitment to a serious relationship. It’s an ongoing process that demands patience and effort.
There’s always something new to discover about your partner — a new way to love them or a new adventure to experience together, all of which unravel over time.
Your days and years together allow intimacy to take root, firmly establishing your love.
Intimacy Makes Your Relationship Rewarding
Intimate relationships cannot exist without conscious effort and openness from both partners. It’s not all about physicality.
Now that you know these unexpected factors that can help nurture your bond, try to apply them with your partner. This way, you can experience a relationship that’s more and more rewarding as the years go by.