If You’re Dating a Thai Woman, Here Are 4 Things You MUST Know
You’re going steady with the Thai woman of your dreams and you couldn’t be any happier. You feel like you’re on cloud nine and you never want to get back down ever again.
Then, out of nowhere, you get into an argument.
It starts off when you make a seemingly harmless joke. But to her, it was completely offensive.
You wouldn’t want to unintentionally hurt your girlfriend out of ignorance.
So if you want to be a part of her life, you have to understand how she lives it. You have to see the world in her shoes so you may be able to properly connect with her
To start off, here are a few things that you absolutely must know when dating a Thai woman:
1. Avoid anything that makes you lose your face
It’s common courtesy in Thailand to perform a hand gesture called wai as a sign of respect. This is especially important when greeting a superior or an elder.
Not doing so may result in you losing face.
Losing face is a huge deal in Thailand. It’s equivalent to you losing your reputation. This can make others lose their respect for you and avoid associating themselves with you.
You have to avoid being brash or loud when surrounded by Thai people. Because this can also make you lose your face.
Talking loudly and public displays of affection — these are just some examples of how you can easily lose face.
The subtle social rules can easily be overlooked by tourists. However, if you want to win a Thai woman’s hand in marriage, you’ll have to put these rules into practice.
2. Family comes first
Thai culture places a great deal of importance on family.
So if you plan to marry your Thai girlfriend, you’ll have to get her family’s approval first. To do that, you have to make an effort to connect with them.
Their words hold great power over your relationship. One word in and they can have their daughter cut you off. After all, family comes first.
Winning them over isn’t overly difficult. You just need good manners and values. It’s more than enough for them to see you treat their daughter right.
3. She may not speak English fluently
If you want to establish good communication with a Thai lady, you’ll have to pick up a bit of Thai yourself.
Thailand doesn’t speak English as often as other Southeast Asian countries. Hence, a lot of them aren’t completely fluent in the language.
Your Thai girlfriend may have a slight grasp of the language, but don’t expect her to understand your English. That’s surely going to fly over her head.
4. When she says it’s fine, she doesn’t really mean it
How often do you hear your girlfriend say “mai pen rai”?
The phrase “mai pen rai” often means “I’m fine” or “I don’t mind”. There is no direct English translation for this, so it can also mean a few other things depending on the intonation and the situation.
So when she says mai pen rai, make sure to understand what she truly means first.
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