Nurturing Honesty in a Relationship: 7 Practices for Couples
We all have a high regard for honesty, but at the same time, we often fail at it.
According to a survey by Superdrug Online Doctor, 73% of 1,000 respondents have lied to their partner. Of those who said they never lied, more than 90% expressed satisfaction with their relationship. On the other hand, 51% of respondents who had lied admitted their dissatisfaction.
Indeed, honesty is a crucial ingredient for a solid and fulfilling relationship. But it’s not solely about refraining from telling lies.
More than the words you said or didn’t say, honesty in a relationship pertains to the openness and authenticity between a couple. It’s being comfortable in your skin and having the trust and freedom to express yourself to your partner.
The problem is that cultivating this quality is easier said than done. It takes time, but these seven practices can help you integrate honesty into your relationship.
1. Follow through with your promises.
Be consistent in your words and actions. If you told your partner you’d meet them after work, show up. If you agreed to split the chores, do your part. Show that you’re dependable.
2. Admit your weaknesses and mistakes.
Honesty in a relationship is not solely about expressing your feelings but also admitting your flaws and mistakes.
If you can’t fulfill your partner’s request, respectfully decline instead of agreeing and frustrating them later because you couldn’t meet their expectations.
Don’t make excuses for your mistakes. Admit that you fell short, ask for forgiveness, and strive to improve yourself.
3. Validate instead of judging.
When your partner honestly tells you about their thoughts and feelings, acknowledge them and understand their perspective.
Don’t judge them or assume what they’re going to say. Nothing closes one’s heart more than unfair judgment.
4. Regularly and openly communicate.
Have regular heart-to-heart discussions with your partner. Share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
You don’t have to tell them all your deep secrets. But practice open communication, from your most mundane to your most profound thoughts, to nurture transparency and confidence in each other.
5. Be faithful.
Honesty requires faithfulness. Be loyal to your partner, and protect your relationship from people or situations that can compromise it. For instance, reject romantic advances from others or limit your interactions on social media.
6. Practice respect and patience.
It takes time to develop honesty in a relationship, so be patient. Sometimes, you might be too stressed to converse or need to sort out personal issues before communicating the appropriate words to your partner.
Also, honesty isn’t an excuse to criticize your partner. Even if you should tell the truth, do so with respect and love, not anger and pride.
7. Show the real you.
Let your hair down when with your partner. Wear your colored socks, laugh like crazy, and admit that you like pineapple on your pizza.
The more comfortable you are with each other, the easier it is to be honest.
Bonus: Be honest with yourself.
Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings. Once you do, you can freely voice them out. In turn, you effectively cultivate honesty in your relationship.
Superdrug Online Doctor. 2024. “Lying in Relationships: Analysing the Lies We Tell Our Partners.” Superdrug Online Doctor.