Giving up on Love Is for Quitters, So Don’t Lose Your Faith
Are you an unlucky dater who can’t find a great match? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us are too familiar with the hopelessness and frustration that comes with that situation. It sucks, and there’s no other way to describe it.
However, don’t wave the white flag just yet.
Giving up on love seems like a way out. What’s the point of dating when it always ends in disappointment? But if you still desire to love and be loved, you can’t just shut the doors.
Don’t allow your burnout to get the best of you. So, if you feel like shutting off love from your life, consider these points before throwing in the towel.
Signs You’ve Given Up on Love
Many people do in fact end up quitting the love game. Some mark their exit by making a bold declaration to themselves and even on social media. Most people, however, simply stop trying.
Here are some signs that, at least for the moment, you’re done with the idea of being in a relationship:
1. You hide from new people
One of the most significant indicators of shutting off romance is avoiding people. If you want love, go out and look for it, yes? But instead of increasing your social activity, you’d rather be alone and wallow in your loneliness.
2. You can’t help but feel jealous when you’re around couples
Everyone seems to be in a relationship but me.
Will I ever get married?
I want to get married, but I’m single.
We’re sure those thoughts have crossed your mind at some point.
When you see your friends and relatives settling down, a twitch causes you to react negatively. Does Valentine’s Day make you feel queasy? Do you cringe at the sight of public displays of affection? Do you become cynical when asked for romantic advice? If you check all three (and more) of these boxes, jealousy may have taken over.
3. Your pessimism has consumed you
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Now that we’re on the subject of negative feelings taking over, here’s another indicator of giving up on love: you are overwhelmed with pessimism.
Having a bad date is one thing. But it’s another story if you constantly experience them. That’s enough to shut you down because, in your head, you know how it’ll play out. If the taste of bad dates won’t leave your mouth, you may feel like shutting down dating altogether.
4. You fail to see subtle signs
Sometimes, love finds you. You’re just so tuned out that you fail to notice when someone hints and signals at you. If you want to catch them, you need to pay attention. When you can’t notice even one cue, that may be a sign that you’ve mentally checked out of romance.
Love Is Worth Pursuing
We know some of you are frustrated with your romantic pursuits. Whether you’re tired of being single or simply lonely, there’s no reason to shut your chances of love down completely.
Here are some good arguments for continuing to pursue love.
There are always lessons in disappointments. Failed dates and relationships can be grating, especially if they happen consecutively. The fatigue just makes you want to give up.
However, there’s a silver lining worth mentioning: unhappy endings aren’t a death sentence. Those failures don’t (and shouldn’t) mean that love is out of reach for you.
Take those disappointments and turn them into lessons. We’re sure you’ve learned a thing or two from them, so why not use them as a (for lack of a better term) stepping stone?
There’s always room for growth. Some of us believe that being single is boring. While that’s understandable, we think that it’s the opposite.
Singlehood is a great opportunity for self-growth, especially if you’re fresh off a bad relationship. You’ve got more time on your hands now. If your faith in love is wavering, why not use that time to restore that?
Let’s put it this way: if marriage is one of your priorities, utilize your free time to become a better person, which in turn helps you become a better partner. If you’ve had issues like self-centered tendencies, now’s the time to work on them.
There’s no time like the present. In line with the previous point, use your singlehood to your advantage and prioritize yourself.
Sure, you can still grow while you’re in a committed relationship, but the flexibility singlehood has gives you more leeway. Going off on a personal sabbatical when sharing bills with someone isn’t the best idea.
Some of us tend to forget this, but we’re more than just someone’s partner. A strong sense of identity will help you realize that love is something you deserve and is still well within reach.
Settling down for the sake of it is selling yourself short. Fighting for love means refusing to settle for less. Why should you settle for someone who’ll only hurt you?
Searching for real love should go beyond physical attraction. It’s about finding someone who treasures quality time. That person should also be a great communicator while being open to improvement in that area.
And lastly, that person’s priorities and principles should align with yours. No — they don’t have to match perfectly. After all, opposing forces can attract each other. There should be some similarities to avoid problematic clashing.
Nothing worthwhile comes easy. You don’t achieve personal victories without exerting effort. That philosophy applies to love too. Why? Attraction can only do so much to fulfill a relationship’s needs.
Never giving up on love means you’re willing to fight for a relationship you deserve. Waiting for someone and pulling your weight to make things work won’t always be pretty. But trust us when we say the payoff is worth your investment.
There is someone out there for you.
Britney Spears famously sang about loneliness killing her. And she has a point: that feeling can be torturous!
But as agonizing as that is, remember that there’s a person who can change that. Who knows — your next match may be the person who’ll own your heart. If that doesn’t happen, that’s okay! Don’t get too down about negative outcomes and just enjoy your dates.
Giving up on love is something many of us have been tempted to do at some point. But the reality is this: you may want to work on shifting your pessimistic views before making such a drastic decision. Give yourself a shot because you deserve a loving partner that’ll stand by you through the good, bad, and ugly.
Is your heart still open? If so, try online dating! There are reputable sites that’ll help you find a match, so scams shouldn’t be a problem.