Where Are All the Good Men? 4 Reasons You Can’t Find One

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
3 min readJan 30, 2024
Are there no good men left in the world? Or are you hindering them from meeting you? | Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels

Where on earth can I find a good man?

This billion-dollar question must be on your mind day in and day out.

You’ve met various guys, tried dating apps, and gotten into some relationships. However, they were all walking red flags, leaving you heartbroken, frustrated, and almost jaded.

You’re not looking for Mr. Perfect; you just want a decent, marriageable guy. Is that too much to ask?

The answer is yes and no.

No, because even though your prolonged singlehood or brokenheartedness tells you it’s a myth, the truth is that good men exist; they’re far from being endangered species.

However, yes, it will take much effort to find them. And it’s not because they don’t want to date you — not at all — but because dating is a two-way street. You need to do your part in making your roads meet.

So the question is, are you?

See if some of your practices and beliefs hinder you from finding a good date.

1. Making an Effort is Inconvenient

Do you not have time to date? Are you too tired to join a social gathering? Or do you think setting up a dating app profile is complicated?

If so, what effort are you making to find a good man?

Finding a worthy partner doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye; it requires investing your energy, time, and willpower.

If you’re serious about dating, accept the inconvenience. Drive out to that party, message that person, or ask your friend to set you up on a date. Nothing great comes off easily, especially in love.

2. You’re Stuck In Old Routines

If you’ve been frequenting the same places or going around the same social circles to no avail, perhaps it’s time to go outside your comfort zone.

Change your environment and search elsewhere. Don’t stay where you’ve only met disappointment.

Try a new hobby, join a gym club or art workshop, volunteer at an orphanage, or, better yet move to a new city!

3. Single-Father Bias

It’s easy to skip over single fathers and tag them as undateable. However, if good men are what you’re looking for, you should reconsider.

The fact that they’ve taken responsibility for raising their children shows they’re mature, genuine, and capable of fierce love. If a single father asks you for a date, he’s likely to have only serious intentions in mind.

While there may be challenges to dating someone with kids, the advantages, on the other hand, are hard to miss.

4. Narrow Age Range

The longer you’re in the dating world, the better you know your non-negotiables. And age isn’t necessarily relevant to those qualities.

Ultimately, what matters is that a person is willing to commit and is mature enough to make the relationship work out.

Sure, a particular age range comes with its own peculiarities. But if your personalities jive, your goals align, and you’re in love, what else could you ask for?

If you widen your age range for potential partners, you’ll see there are more decent men than you think.

Broaden Your Search for Good Men

Finding the right person is never a walk in the park. But sometimes, our prejudices and ineffective habits can worsen our chances.

Open your eyes and gain a broader perspective. Who knows? You might have been searching for someone within arm’s length all along.



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