Defining ‘Feminine Energy’: Why Some Men Want a ‘Girly Girl’

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
3 min readMay 5, 2023


a blonde woman posing in front of a pink background
Photo by Karley Saagi on Pexels

If someone asks you to picture a beautiful girl, chances are your mind will conjure up images of someone with long hair, wearing a cute dress, and with the prettiest face you’ve ever seen with a smile that can light up a room.

These are almost always the exact same things that come to mind when people are asked to think about ‘feminine energy.’

Usually defined as a set of traits and qualities that make people feel soft and emotional, feminine energy is often placed as the direct opposite of all things masculine. It’s meant to embrace instead of push, nurture instead of demand.

In short, feminine energy talks about things mostly used to describe a woman.

Now, I know what you’re gonna say next, “That’s no longer accurate today,” or “It’s sexist and stereotypical!”

Hold your horses.

Just as there are countless concepts that have been established a long time ago and revised again and again ever since, the idea of a gender binary composed of masculinity and femininity is old news. Many people have tried to challenge or even debunk it, but the fact remains: it directs a lot of aspects in society and interpersonal relationships, including love and dating.

Dating “Girly Girls”

It’s certainly not all of them, but plenty of guys entering the dating scene possess both preconceived notions and their own preferences for what makes an ideal woman.

A “girly girl” is exactly that — someone who embodies traditionally feminine qualities and characteristics. She loves to dress in pink. She enjoys wearing makeup. She’s in touch with her feelings and has hobbies like cooking, knitting, and dancing.

These things are definitely appealing to the right audience, but men in particular can find these especially attractive because they’re commonly associated with femininity.

Other reasons can include the following traits:

  • A feminine woman tends to be more caring and supportive, traits that make her an ideal partner.
  • Girly girls are often conventionally attractive, and men who find looks to be an important attribute will be drawn to a woman who knows how to dress well and is easy on the eyes.
  • Women who exude feminine energy can inspire within a man his own masculine traits. If a guy likes feeling strong and protective of his partners, these types of women will make him feel good about himself.
  • Feminine women are usually better at handling emotions. Since the world isn’t always kind to men who are open with their vulnerabilities, it’ll be easier for them to be with someone who knows how to deal with their feelings.

Traditional gender roles aside, whether or not a woman has to be “girly” or “feminine” to be attractive really depends on the guy whose eye they’re trying to catch. Dating is hard enough as it is, and trying to draw lines between masculine and feminine qualities is pointless if someone just isn’t into you.

Nevertheless, there’s definitely still some merit in subscribing to the usual traits associated with a particular gender. You never know, dressing up every now and then might just be what it takes to turn the head of that guy you’ve been crushing on for ages.



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