Dating in Your 30s is Both Terrible and Terrific
Single and ready to mingle?
If you’re in your 30s, that’s probably more of a “single, dreading to date, and doubting if there’s someone out there.”
That’s because singles at this age are often bombarded with pressure and uncertainties, not to mention a more intimidating dating field.
However, dating in your 30s isn’t as bad as you think.
On the One Hand, It’s Terrible.
Let’s face it. Hitting 30 while still single has its obvious pitfalls. First off, you have a smaller pool of prospects. Most people your age are in a relationship, engaged, or married.
Second, you’re way past the studying age. This means your social engagement is narrowed down to workmates and old-time friends, unless you join social organizations.
Third, if you haven’t healed from past heartaches, you might have carried over some emotional baggage from failed relationships. This might affect your openness to dating and how you treat potential partners.
To top all that, it’s not easy to be single when most of your peers are tying the knot left and right or carrying babies with one or more children in tow.
Jealousy and doubt can fill your mind. You’ve been dreaming of having your own family and expected it to happen years ago. Now that you’re in your 30s, you still have nothing.
You feel the social pressure as well. Friends and family often ask when you’ll get married or have a baby, leaving you perplexed because you’re asking yourself the same thing. Worse, you have no clue where to get that answer.
On the Other Hand, It’s Terrific.
You might already be drowning in misery with all the drawbacks. So, it’s time to flip the coin. There are as many advantages as disadvantages, if not more, when you’re dating in your 30s.
One is that now you’re more intentional about dating. Compare this to when you were entering relationships for fun and games.
You now know better about what you want and what doesn’t work for you. This makes it easier to catch red flags and say “no” to mediocre dates.
Moreover, you have a stable career and finances. You’re ready to settle down and open up to someone looking for the same things as you.
This is also when you’re reaping the fruits of the ups and downs you’ve gone through in life. Failed relationships may have caused you much pain, but you’ve also grown through the hard lessons you’ve earned from them.
Most of all, you know yourself better. You have accepted your strengths and weaknesses and are carrying yourself with confidence. With this, you draw the right kind of people and make the most of your encounters, making dating more genuine and enjoyable.
Dating in Your 30s is Way Better than You Think.
While you’re facing valid challenges as a 30-something, the benefits show that you are, no doubt, in your prime time for dating.
Don’t get discouraged by the negative opinions and uncertainties. Moreover, don’t rush things, and never settle.
You have a goal in mind and all the means to achieve it.
The only thing left for you to do now is to step out and let yourself shine. You’ll attract the right person at the right time.