Dating a Thai Woman? Here Are the Do’s and Don’ts to Follow!
Entering the Thai dating scene can be challenging for Western men, especially if they lack information and knowledge. And those already dating a Thai partner might realize that some things are easy to figure out and some are not.
That’s especially the case if they’re not too familiar with Thai culture. It can result in utter frustration. However, dating a Thai woman can be easier if you try to learn about Thai culture.
To help you, here are the do’s and don’ts when dating a Thai partner.
The Do’s
Be polite to her.
In Thai culture, politeness is very important, and it goes a long way in captivating a Thai woman’s heart.
This includes being polite in public. It’ll be a massive turn-off if you keep complaining loudly about trivial matters and being rude to others.
Most Thai women will find it embarrassing to be with someone rude in public.
This also includes being nice to their family and relatives.
Being introduced to them means that your Thai partner trusts and likes you. So if you meet them, be nice.
Try to control your temper and get along with her family if you want to keep her.
In Thai culture, those who keep their temper and are polite are respected, while rude people are considered low-class individuals. Your Thai partner might think the same way if you can’t show a little bit of politeness.
Dress well.
Thai culture also has a common stereotype: How you look and what you wear are often more important than your personality.
That said, it’s best to show up well-dressed and well-groomed to ensure your Thai partner is proud to be seen with you.
An untidy appearance might make her run away from you.
Pay for things.
This doesn’t necessarily mean your Thai partner is only after your money.
It’s an established tradition in Thailand that the guy pays for everything when he and his partner go out, so your Thai partner will expect you to do the same.
If you want to captivate your partner, don’t be cheap! Buy her a gift, go to the movies, or take her out for a delicious meal.
The cost of living in Thailand is very affordable for most Westerners, so paying for things won’t break your bank. Your Thai partner will be happy with this gesture.
The Don’ts
Don’t pressure her into being intimate.
Thai women don’t want to be physically intimate on the first few dates. Many don’t engage in physical intimacy until they get married. According to multiple polls, more than 60% of Thai women are virgins when they get married.
Don’t mention money.
Thai women might also find it appalling if their partner keeps on talking about money. For them, bragging about your salary or how many properties you own is a huge turn-off.
Just be generous if you want your Thai partner to know that you can take care of her financially.
Don’t forget your hygiene.
Thailand is a tropical country, so you’re bound to break a sweat when you’re out and about. Thais tend to shower at least three times a day to keep themselves clean and fresh.
It’s best that you do the same. Not only will this keep a Thai woman from rejecting you, but you’ll also be thankful for it once you experience the hot weather in Thailand.
Don’t make her choose.
Never make a Thai woman choose between you and her family.
If you make her choose, she might make a decision you’ll regret forever.
Have Fun with Your Thai Partner
Following these do’s and don’ts can help you build a healthy relationship with your Thai partner.
But despite the number of rules you must follow, don’t forget to have fun with her. Enjoy getting to know each other, compliment her whenever you can, show your manners, and don’t overthink.
Thais are among the most welcoming and laid-back people in the world, so you might find it easier to date a native Thai woman than a Westerner.
If things go well, you’ll find a partner to keep for a lifetime.