Should You Consider Dating a Single Mother?
What’s wrong with single mothers?
If you’re a decent man, you likely respect and admire these selfless women who have embraced raising a child alone.
But to date one? That might not even be remotely on your mind.
They’re busy and have more pressing priorities than romance. It would be best to cross them off your list of prospects. But this doesn’t mean they’re not worth the challenges.
On the contrary, they have much to bring to the table. Here’s why you should consider dating a single mother.
1. She’s patient and understanding.
With her, you don’t have to pretend to be Mr. Perfect.
Having raised a kid or two, she knows that life doesn’t run out of mishaps and surprises. She’ll be understanding of your needs in the relationship and your responsibilities outside of it.
Also, she has a story of her own. She’ll be the last to judge you for your mistakes and life detours. More than anyone, she’ll be patient with your shortcomings because she knows they don’t define you.
Given enough time to get to know each other, she’ll be more than ready to accept you as you are, flaws and all.
2. She knows the value of quality time.
She’s busy — that’s a given challenge. However, on the bright side, she has clear priorities, which makes her time management more efficient. She carefully chooses what she invests in, only making time for things that matter — whether meeting her work deadlines, driving her child to soccer practice, or coming all dolled up to your date.
She’ll go out of her way to maintain your relationship.
3. She’s mature and independent.
She’s learned to take things in stride after going through some of life’s biggest responsibilities.
Unlike immature women who let their emotions get the upper hand, single mothers know how to be tough when the situation calls. They work hard and accomplish them, often independently, because they have to stand up for their children.
With their maturity, dating a single mother can be refreshingly straightforward. She’ll be clear about what she wants and won’t tolerate games. She looks for stability and commitment, and you can be sure of the same things from her.
4. She loves unconditionally.
Loving another human being who’s entirely dependent on her shows her capability to love unconditionally. She had many reasons to give up and choose an easier life, but she didn’t. She stuck through despite the sleepless nights, breakdowns, and body aches.
She can make sacrifices for the sake of the people she loves — her children and future significant other.
A partner through thick and thin
Dating a single mother has its challenges. However, it’s just like being in any other relationship.
It might take time and effort to adjust to your setup, especially since her children will inevitably be one of your priorities. But if you’re willing to take on the demands of love, you’ll have a reliable partner through it all.
That said, open up your options and consider them as prospects.