How do I break up with someone who doesn’t want to break up?”

Miss Matchmaker AFA - Thailand
1 min readOct 4, 2023
a lonely woman taking a glance outside the window
Photo by monica di loxley on Unsplash

The best way is to cut off all contact with that person.

Block them on your phone, email, and social media. Avoid places or events where you will likely bump into them. If you have friends in common, let them know about it so they won’t inadvertently help out your ex to come and see you.

It may take some effort, but the distance can be helpful for them to accept your separation and move on.

A breakup is understandably painful and difficult to deal with. They might still be in denial or are hoping to win you back. However, if you’ve clearly expressed your desire to separate, then they should respect your decision.

No one should force you to change your mind or to stay in a relationship against your will.



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